

Elo Liiv

TAVA24 peakuraator

Tel: +372 56984477

E-post: elo@tartuvalgus.ee

Elo Liiv is a sculptor and a lecturer, who uses modern technology – video, mapping, light and kinetics for creating site-specific and experimental art. She is one of the leaders of NGO Valgusklubi, who are the organisers of Tallinn Light Biennial, Tartu in Light and other light events.

Marko Kuusik

TAVA24 töötubade kuraator

Phone: +372 56667991

Email: marko@evda.ee

Marko’s passion is lighting design and his mission is to use lighting to improve our living environments. He has been working with electrical and lighting engineering since 2008. He is one of the founding members of EVDA. He has completed studies in architectural lighting design at Hochschule Wismar.

Caspar Lootsmann

TAVA24 tehniline juht

Tel: +372 55631191

Email: caspar@tartuvalgus.ee

Light artist and creative director Caspar Lootsmann has been active as an event organizer for over ten years. He is the general manager of Dream Solution, a company that has started several concerts and festivals. Festivals such as Wandering Lights, Tartuff and PÖFF have benefited from his passionate style of management. In the last couple of years he has been more engaged in creating his personal light art installations.

Karl Kristjan Kits

TAVA24 turundusjuht

Phone: +372 55584637

Email: Karl@tartuvalgus.ee

Light artist and designer Karl Kristian Kits has consulted as well as carried out several culture and social projects. He has undertaken all kinds of ventures, starting from social campaigns, and ending with packaging Estonian air. He is a leader of people and processes aiming at entertaining as well as giving an input for thought about social issues to his target groups.

Janno Siil

TAVA24  töötubade tehniline juht

Phone: +372 53426695

Email: janno@tartuvalgus.ee

Janno Siil on energeetika haridusega multitalent – teda võib kohata mängimas puhkpilli Jägermeister Brassbändis, Tehnika Ülikooli Big Bandis, Tartu akadeemilises puhkpilli orkestris Popsid või Chillis. Igapäevaselt töötab ettevõttes MicroWatt OÜ elektri-, automaatika- ja valguslahendus projektidega. Eriline huvi valgustusdisaini vastu on ta aga toonud TAVA teami asendamatuks liikmeks.

Margus Tamm

TAVA visual identity and graphic design


Jaanus Tamm

Tartu city government

Phone: +372 58506742

Email: Jaanus.Tamm@raad.tartu.ee

Jaanus Tamm has been working as a project manager at Tartu City Government for more than nine years. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Tallinn University of Technology and worked for over 15 years in the private sector. Jaanus Tamm was involved in an international project “Light in the City” aimed at outdoor lighting (2013-2014).

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