
Veronika Mayerböck AT

Veronika Mayerböck AT

Veronika Mayerböck AT

ALLES oder Licht

Vienna / Austria

As a lighting designer and an architect, I am concerned with the extent to which our „viewing“ habits and perception have already changed in the course of digitalization. Working with light as a medium I observe and question what still „touches“ us in the fast-paced world of today.

In what ways apert from (self-) staging in the media can one still reach a spectator, a citizen, a student, a child?

What became of „unintentional amazement“ as a basic condition for curiosity and for any in-depth examination of a matter or an artwork?

What kind of lighting conditions do we need in this modern society to relate profoundly to what we see?

My focus is to research and investigate answers to these „out of the box“ questions that are applicable to daily project practice and application of recent technologies.

I am a dedicated teacher with a background as a studied engineer, experienced hands-on technician, researcher and creative lighting designer. My symbiotic understanding of interdisciplinary matters is characterizing my approach to lighting projects as well as my way of teaching students and professionals: I claim that when it comes to lighting, in addition to profound theoretical input it is important to involve a full body awareness by addressing all our senses. My goal is to apply new methods of teaching which consider the changes in our sensorial response and visual habits as important as the rapid changes in technology used in the lighting field.

