
TAVA2021: XPERIMENTAL Tatsuru Arai, Exotikdot, Henri Hütt & Algorütmid




Uksed KELL 20.00, programm KELL 21.00


New performance “INFLUENCER”

Duration: 30 min

In their new collaboration Henri Hütt and audio music duo Algorütmid (Mihkel Tomberg ja Roland Karlson) look for compelling and influencing relationships. The focus of the performative action „Influencer“ is set on manipulating states and scenes from the micro to the macro, from general to solitude. How does a state where all essential lies outside of the lit focus become influential? What is the relation between cold light and warm audio music?

An influencer is like a trickster whose magic powers allow him to create beauty and knowledge about perfection. The trickster is perfect. He has got a higher status than the ordinary magicians, just like court jesters used to have. The performance will ask questions from the trickster without the need to be perfect itself.

Henri Hütt on (etendus)kunstnik, kelle loomingu spektrisse kuuluvad tehnoloogilise dominandiga etenduskunsti vormid, helilavastused, lavastatud näitused, kureerimine, kirjutamine, installatiivsete etenduste genereerimine ja muu tabamatu. Henri lähtub kestuses olemisest, sest kes palju teeb, see jõuab vähe ajalukku. Tema käesoleva kümnendi loominguliste variatsioonide seast leiab lavastusi, mis hõlmavad ja koondavad kõiki kohalikke teatreid ning etenduskunstikeskuseid, kuid leidub ka tühja ruumi mikrotonaalset värelust.

Abstraktsete rütmistruktuuride meistrite **Mihkel Tombergi** ja **Roland Karlsoni** erinevatest nägemustest sünnib omanäoline nüansirohke ja vastandeid siduv tervik, kus kohtuvad kõikvõimalike elektroonikastiilide variatsioonid. Algorütmide helikäekirja läbivaks lüliks on aga oma nime vääriliselt keerukad rütmitöötlused, mis pigem vabastavad raamidest, kui aitavad defineerida žanrikuuluvust. Nende elektrooniline helimuusika võib vastavalt valitsevale atmosfäärile olla nii ämbientlik sfäärides hõljumine kui ka saata nädalavahetuse peo akrobaatikat.

Algorütmid has created music to many of Henri Hütt’s screenplays, leading to collaboration in audio shows that have been performed at Kumu Öö and Üle Heli festivals, for example. As artists the trio deals with expanded fields of contemporary performace art and giving substance to audio art.


Duration: 30 min

Maria Pazi looming toetub taju ja teaduse kokkupuutepunktile. Tundub, et kumbki neist ei esinda tegelikkust: esimene on subjektiivne, aga piiratud inimliku tajuvõimega, teine radikaalselt objektiivne, aga ajas pidevalt muutuv. Vastandades “tajutavat” “faktidega” suudab Maria kunsti kaudu genereerida “tõde”. Maria Pazi loomingus kordub universumi kontseptsioon, teaduse poolt jutustatud lugu, mida tajud on lasknud tal (meditatsiooni kaudu) kogeda. Kunstnikku paelub ka inimeste ja nende keskkonna vaheline suhe. Teadus ei ole suutnud meid enese väljasuretamise eest hoiatada ja meie teadlikkus ei ole jõudnud piisavalt kõrgele tasemele, et me süstemaatiliselt looduse tasakaalu ei rikuks.

As reality reveals at so many levels simultaneously, the experience of Art shall be a complex event. I aim my works to be immersive experiences for the audience, sometimes including participatory/interactive elements. I try to reach this aim by using a network of different media like live performance, sculpture, sound, light, electronics, text, and music. I have even pushed the sensorial aspect of my work through edible light installations and publication of a tactile artist’s book. My interest in perception has brought me to use Light and Sound as recurrent mediums, as they can be treated as ‘frequencies’ that trigger our most predominant senses.



Hyper Serial Music for Sound/Visual Performance “THERMO-TON”

Duration: 40 min

Sound and Visual performance “THERMO-TON” is the 4th chapter of Hyper Serial Music. The project expands on the history of serialism – an important 20th century method of music composition used by Arnold Schönberg, Karhleinz Stockhausen and Pierre Boulez, among others – by incorporating new technologies and new perspectives, including artificial intelligence.

In the history of music technology, Hyper Serial Music will add innovation to the principle of serialism three-point: "structural", "complex" and "noisy". Spanning from 1728 different noise patterns, these sounds are on the limits of human auditory perception. Developing and expanding the expression of Hyper Serial Music from past works (Arkhitek-ton [2016-17], Matters-ton [2017-18], Quantum-ton [2018-19]), in this new work titled “Thermo-ton”, the composer scrutinizes the dynamics of energy, from heat to cold, translating it to sound and video, using algorithms. The contrast between the imagery texture and context mixed with the various sounds structures, such as Hyper Serial Music, A.I. Music and classical music composed by himself, creates the maximum dramaturgy of this performance.

Tatsuru Arai

2003-2009 composition studies (BA) with Akira Nishimura,Toshio Hosokawa and Sunao Isaji at Tokyo College of Music. 2007 composition class with Bernhard Lang at Implus in Graz. 2009-2013 composition, computer-programming and multimedia-art studies (MA ) with Wolfgang Heiniger at the Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin.

Tema loomingut on esitatud rohkem kui 40 Euroopa linnas, aga ka Argentiinas, Mehhikos, Colombias, Tuneesias, Jaapanis jne. Tatsuru Arai põhiline kunstiline taotlus on ühendada klassikaline helilooming uue tehnoloogiaga, nagu ooperis „Vitruvian“ ja teoses „Trans-ages Music ”, ja esitleda universumi põhiolemust tajutavate kogemuste kaudu. Inimese helitaju ehk füüsikaline nähtus, mis meid mõjutab, ning „geomeetriline struktuur“ kui alustala, mis aitab meil universumi olemust mõista. See on võimalus mõista universumit heli kaudu.

From 2016 he has been composing Hyper Serial Music that will add innovation to the principle of serialism three-point: "structural", "complex" and "noisy". Hyper Serial Music is algorithm music generated by state-of-the art technology such as artificial intelligence rather than by native human intelligence only. He will be performing this work in over 60 cities.


Ticket: 10 eur/7 eur

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